Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan


Happy Fasting Day


From Tyo to all moslems anywhere.
Let's start fasting in happiness and finish it well , at the end we hope that we will get Allah's ridha.

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Be Honest to Yourself

> Honest is saying the truth about everything.

Honest to yourself about what you have done.

No matter why, you should to be honest to yourself.

Start from yourself, in your family, to your neighbor and show personality of the nation.

Do not try to be a liar.

Because Allah always knows the truth although you say a lie.

And Allah's law is the fairest.

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Fighting Back at Neobux

All you need to earn $ are be patient and keep praying. Let's start earning money here.
Wish me luck. :)

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Learning English

English = International Language

Everybody knows that English is an international language. As an Indonesian, my English is not good enough. But, I will always learn and have practice. I hope, through this post, I can share my knowledge about English and get some corrections if there are some mistakes here.

I have learned English since I was elementary school, junior and senior high school. I has been 12 years learning English. And since I studied at university, I just started my English course in my third year study.

I wanna share about my first lesson, a simple English that I learned in the first class of my English course. It is about imperative. Imperative is a direct order, command, a warning or just instruction to others. For an easy example is 'open the door'. Usually it consists only two or three words.

There are two kinds of imperative. Positive and negative imperative. 'Be carefull' is an example of positive imperative and 'Don't go' is an example of negative imperative. 'Watch out', 'Don't leave me', 'Save me', 'take the glass' are also examples of imperative. So, we can conclude here that English is not difficult, we can use only imperative verb to communicate in English.

That's all for now, I hope it is useful for all of us.

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> Batam Is My Hometown

I was born in 1990 at Batam Island. Now, I have been back to Batam for 15 days. I have not came back for almost a year. The only reason I came back is to do a practical work as a student from a university. It makes me the happiness of being at home.

I will try to enjoy this. It will takes two months. :)

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Practical Work at EFK (Elnusa Fabrikasi Konstruksi)

I have been starting my practical work at EFK since 1st July 2011. It has been for 1 week and I am starting my second week now.

It is confused for the first day. I started to meet the HRD manager, Mr. Ulul Azmi, for completing the requirements before starting the practical work such as permission letter from my parents and the copy of the assurance. And the he explained the rules and told me to behave as a good student. And then he told me to have induction first, it is explanation of safety at the field.

After that, I met the production manager, Mr. Wawan. He told me to behave well at the field because people there have been worked for years so they know the filed very well. He said I should manage my time myself for the practical work. But then, I got a permission to go home because I could not go to the field without a safety shoes and start my real practical work on monday, 4th july.

On monday, I came with safety shoes, a helmet, and my university form (almamater). I came to Mr. Wawan's office and waited him to do his work before we go to the field. At 8.30, we went to the field. I met Mr kardi, Mr wahyu, Mr Suparno, Mr Uchok, Mr Komas, Mr Emon. Mr Wahyu and Mr Komas is the production officer and the rest of them is the supervisor. And then, Mr Kardi took me a tour to the field, met the operator from the start of the process to the end. After that, we got back to the office.

From the first day until now, I have no idea to do.

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